Rhizosphere-microbiome associations with crop diversity and environmental conditions_
WP4. Leader: Dr. Tancredi Caruso (UCD).
Task Leaders: UCD, Univ. Silesia.
Partners involved: CSIC, Univ. Helsinki, Univ. Cukurova, CREA, Univ. Silesia, UCD
- Amplicon sequencing of rhizosphere bacterial and fungal communities.
- Transcriptomics of barley rhizosphere.
- Data integration and modeling.
RecoBar will explore the relationships of barley diversity with rhizosphere microbiome diversity, fungi (including Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-AMF) and bacteria and will deepen the knowledge of barley-microbiota interactions under different environmental conditions. The crop diversity will be represented by six genotypes (micro-core) representative of the breeding history of barley (2 landraces, 2 heritage cultivars, 2 elite cultivars, selected in WP1 from the mini-core collection) growing under varying environmental conditions (in WP1 and WP2) that will be subjected to metagenomics and metatranscriptomics analyses.