Incorporating new diversity to barley ideotyping for future agroecosystems_
WP3. Leader: Prof. Laura Rossini (Univ. Milano, DiSAA).
Task Leaders: Univ. Milano
Partners involved: CSIC, Univ. Helsinki, Univ. Cukurova, Univ. Milano, CREA, Univ. Silesia, Univ. Tartu, Natural Resources Institute (LUKE), UCD
- Extending available crop models.
- Generation and downscaling of climate change scenarios
- Model-aided genomic prediction for identifying adaptation strategies to climate change.
Development of region-specific breeding toolkits.
Using the information and knowledge acquired in WP1 and WP2, WP3 will advance available modelling tools for improving the design of barley ideotypes including key resistance and tolerance traits to abiotic stressors and for extending the prediction of future performance under multiple climate and management scenarios.